Workplace Specific First Aid Kits

Beauregard First Aid recognises that first aid kits need to meet certain workplace needs, depending on the environment. What might be needed by a chef in a restaurant, will not match the needs of a security guard at a nightclub.

We have tailored some of our first aid kits around certain industry requirements by including additional items to cover specific risks, such as Burns, Chemicals and Major Trauma injuries.

Most First Aid Regulations today, recommend a Risk Analysis be undertaken to ascertain an organisation’s first aid needs. The following is a simple, yet useful guide that can be used when deciding on a first aid pack for your workplace.


First Aid Kit Risk Analysis

Fatality Major Injury Minor Injury Negligible Injury
Likelihood of Injury Very Likely High High High Moderate
Likely High High Moderate Moderate
Unlikely High Moderate Moderate Low
Highly Unlikely Moderate Moderate Low Low
Key: Low Risk – 0% to 33% Moderate Risk – 33% to 67% High Risk – 67% to 100%

Check out our range of first aid kits and if you have any questions about what your workplace might need in their first aid pack, make sure you give us a call or complete our contact form. We will guide you in the right direction.

Customer Review:

“Just wanted to let you know that the First Aid Kit arrived today and Dad is extremely happy and very impressed!

As an ex-ambulance officer, Controller of a SES unit & a member of the local RFS ranging over the last 15-30 years, Dad has been putting together his own first aid kits for most of his life so for him to be impressed is no small achievement, trust me haha.”