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Defibrillator Accessories

Wall Brackets, Cabinets, Signs, Response Kits, Inspection Tags.
When installing a defibrillator you are likely to need either an AED Wall Bracket, or a protective AED Wall Cabinet.

AED Wall Cabinets offer more security & protection, keeping the defibrillator protected from dust and other external factors.

We currently have two options  when deciding on the wall cabinets:

Our Standard Wall Cabinet, with a Door Alarm.
Door alarmed cabinets do not outwardly convey that they are alarmed. When the door is opened, initiating the alarm, a thief will simply grab the defibrillator and run.
or the AED Wall Cabinet with both a Door Alarm and Strobe Light.
A Flashing Strobe Light provides a clear visual prompt that the cabinet is “alarmed,” adding an extra theft protection factor.

AED Signage, Response Kit & Inspection Tags.
A double-sided AED Wall Sign helps with product identification, and highlights where the AED is located, in case of an emergency.

An AED Response kit is important to have on hand. It contains; a cloth for wiping the skin dry, heavy duty Shears for cutting away clothing, a Shaver for removing excessive chest hair and a CPR Face-shield for resuscitation hygiene.

Also, check out our Inspection Tags which are very handy in keeping on top of your defibrillator maintenance.  Tie it to your defibrillator and check the defibrillator on a monthly basis and initial the card. Make sure to include this procedure as a part of your OHS protocols, as flat batteries and out-of-date pads are a common problem, if left unchecked.

  • AED Cabinet with Strobe Light

    $247.50 inc GST
  • Defibrillator Wall Bracket

    $105.00 inc GST
  • AED Wall Cabinet

    $125.00 inc GST